There are two kinds of people in this world, those who like The Hurt Locker, and those who don’t.

A lot of the people who don’t, seem to be veterans and military service members. The very individuals that were meant to be portrayed in the fictional motion picture.

Which begs the request …

Would those who hate The Hurt Locker, would you please raise your hand (in the comments below)?

“It’s insulting to see someone else’s interpretation of what we did. And then to have it win awards on top of it? The worst part of all it is, because service members come back and spread out, I don’t have any friends that were in. I have no one I can share the secret nod with and say, ‘Yeah, that movie sucks.’ Everyone loves the movie. But they’re sucking down fast food and thinking Gordon Ramsay made it.”

That’s from a blog post by Matthew Gault. The quote belongs to a former Marine (and Gault’s good friend) Sgt. 1st Class William James.

You can read the article in its entirety by clicking here.